Saturday, January 8, 2011

kamrooz aram

iranian-american painter based in ny

"The idea of controlled chance is found in traditional Persian music, as well as in American Jazz, in which the musician improvises over distinct melodic systems and specific rhythmic patterns. Likewise, the paintings start with a grid, which sometimes disappears completely, yet still affects the painting in its development"

"These paintings are representative of an exploration of the parts (i.e., struggle, contradiction, transformation, longing, etc.) as well as the search for the whole (i.e., the beautiful, complete, balanced image). In these paintings, Islamic geometric patterns are combined with loosely painted organic forms, at times deliberately breaking the steady rhythms, other times quite randomly allowing the painting to paint itself."

"I want to emphasize the struggle and contradiction one experiences in attempt to preserve traditions while at the same time enjoying the nontraditional contemporary Western culture that at times seems to contradict almost every aspect of the tradition. In such an attempt one is almost inevitable left in a position that reeks of hypocrisy."

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